YAWTI the reverse IT WAY ...
Qora DEX market price (July 11, 2024)

Buy 1 Qora with 25000 Timah

1 Timah = 1 Yawti, 1 NPH = 1 USD. Exchange rate for NPH to 25000 Yawti is around 0.016 NPH
Register a QNS : 1 Qora
Make a send and receive transaction : 1 Qora
Post to the Qblog : minimum 1 Qora.
Upload a small size picture into Qora blockchain : around 10 to thousands Qora.
You can obtain free Yawti at the AITWAY's store through Reward Points system
and use it as redemption points for products in the store.
Yawti Token is worth buying only if you have a use for it,
such as using it to exchange for Qora to set up your own Web3 or to exchange for Okchai's Web3 service products.
Okchai does not encourage hoarding, HODLing or speculating on Yawti tokens.
If you keep some Yawti tokens but never use them, Okchai thanks you for your support and trust but
encourages Yawti holders to sell on available DEXs if the total value is above a dollar.
To show your support, just keeping 1 Yawti or less is enough to send a signal.
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